
Epirez was founded in 1955 and the first product formulations pioneered the Australian development of epoxy based adhesives and coatings for use on concrete. Since then, Epirez has continued to break new ground in epoxy technology for architects, engineers, consultants, specifiers, users and contractors in the Austalian building and construction industries.
Epirez products
Chocfast Black
Specially formulated 100% solids, inert filled casting compound developed for use as a chocking material.
Chocfast Orange
Specially formulated 100% solids, two component inert filled casting compound developed for use as a chocking or grouting material.
Chocfast Red
Three-component, high strength, 100% solids, epoxy grouting compound.
Chocfast Red SG
Three-component, high strength, 100% solids, epoxy grouting compound.
Epirez 133 General Purpose Epoxy Mortar Binder
Solventless epoxy mortar or concrete binder designed for applications demanding high structural integrity and a proven history of successful use. It offers low mixed viscosity, hydrophobic characteristics (bonds to wet surfaces) and fast hardening to produce mortars and concretes exhibiting excellent adhesion, high compressive and tensile strengths and exceptional resistance to the entry and passage of water and corrosive ions.
Epirez 380C Grout
Cement based, non-shrink, non-ferrous grout specifically designed to offer extended working time for all critical and general purpose grouting requirements, particularly in hot climates.
Epirez 5137 HES
Non-shrink, heavy duty epoxy grout with faster strength development than the Heavy Duty Backing Grout (5137).
Epirez 5137 Heavy Duty Backing Grout
Non-shrink, heavy duty epoxy grout.
Epirez 733 Ultra High Build Epoxy Coating
High performance self priming coating for application to steel and concrete.
Epirez Class A Superstrength Grout
Higher strength premixed cement based, non-ferrous, non-shrink grout, exhibiting good flow characteristics.
Epirez Epoxy Grout 2
High strength epoxy based grouting system offering superior performance for structural applications.
Epirez Epoxy Grout 280S
High strength epoxy based grouting system offering longer work time characteristics for higher temperature conditions and deeper pours.