Fatra Australia

Fatra are passionate about providing the highest quality waterproofing solutions. Globally, we have a history of 85 years manufacturing PVC sheet membrane systems and operate in over 58 countries worldwide. Fatrafol membranes are 100% recyclable and can be made using up to 30% recycled materials making it the most sustainable and environmentally friendly waterproofing membrane on the market today.
Fatra Australia products
Fatafol 803
An unreinforced membrane on a base of plasticized polyvinylchloride (PVCP), type T according to the Standard EN 13967 for waterproofing of ground and underground buildings to aggressive pressure and sucking water and as a waterproofing layer of waterproofing systems to leakage of liquids and leaches into the ground waters.
Fatrabond 1215 MCPU Adhesive
A solvent free adhesive that offers excellent bond strength and is an effective green solution to bonding our fleece back membranes.
Fatrabond Adhesive – 9356
A fast curing formula with an excellent high coverage rate. Fatrabond contact adhesives 50% of the final strength immediately, with full strength achieved in 24 hours. It has a good moisture and weather resistance against high temperature exposure.
Fatrafol 807v
A PVP-P based waterproof roofing membrane with underlay of a non-woven PES-textile (mass per unit area – 120g/m2). It is resistant to UV radiation and can be exposed to the direct weathering influences.
Fatrafol 810v
A roofing membrane on the basis of PVC-P reinforced with a polyester grid. It is resistant to UV- radiation and can be exposed to the direct weathering influences.