
By preventing the intrusion of moisture, chemicals, salt water, sewage and other harmful materials, Xypex protects concrete and reinforcing steel from deterioration and oxidation, and subsequently spalling. The concrete is also protected against spalling, efflorescence, popouts and other damages caused by weathering, bleeding of the salts and internal expansion and contraction during the freeze/thaw cycle.
Xypex products
Kuniseal C-31 DS
composite waterstop product consisting of high swelling bentonite, mineral oil and modified polymer.
M P & P Mortar
Fast setting, non-shrink, waterproof mortar.
Xypex Admix C-1000 NF
Unique chemical treatment for the waterproofing, protection and improvement of concrete.
Xypex Admix C-5000
Unique chemical treatment that has been specially formulated to enhance the durability of reinforced concrete exposed to aggressive conditions.
Xypex Concentrate
Unique chemical treatment for the waterproofing, protection and repair of concrete. This is the most chemically active product within the Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing System.
Xypex Concentrate DS1
Unique chemical treatment for the waterproofing and protection of concrete. Special formulation designed specifically for a dry-shake application on horizontal concrete surfaces.
Xypex Gamma Cure
Curing agent designedspecifically for Xypex crystalline waterproofing products.
Xypex Megamix 1
Thin parge coat for the waterproofing and resurfacing of vertical or masonry or concrete surfaces.
Xypex Megamix 2
High build repair mortar for the patching and resurfacing of deteriorated concrete.
Xypex Modified
Unique chemical treatment for the waterproofing, protection and repair of concrete.
Xypex Patch N Plug
Specially designed, fast-setting, non-shrink, high-bond-strength, waterproof, hydraulic cement compound for concrete patching and repair.
Xypex Restora-top 100
Specially modified Portland cement, aggregates, polypropylene fibers, and admixtures combined in controlled proportions.specifically formulated for the repair and rehabilitation of horizontal concrete surfaces for patches up to 25 mm thick where rapid setting and strength gain are required.