Engineered woven geogrid that has exceptionally high strength characteristics at low levels of strain.
The ACEGrid® high performance geogrid range, are engineered products for applications of short term and long soil reinforcement. The product is woven with strength in both the roll length direction (commonly called the machine direction-MD) and with strength manufactured in the cross roll direction (commonly called the cross direction-CD).
Generally the strength of the product will be dominant in one direction of the roll (normally the MD) with sufficient strength in the other direction of the fabric (normally CD) such that the fibres are dimensionally stable and the roll may be easily deployed. In applications of soil reinforcement the use of ACEGrid® engineered geogrids allows significant tensile strength to be imparted to soils.
Soils are very weak in tension. The use of soil reinforcement techniques has proven to be a very cost effective method of construction. ACEGrid® engineered geogrids are manufactured from high tenacity polyester (PET) fibres with high molecular weights and low carboxyl end groups such that the product is suitable for use in normally occurring soil types, for design lives in excess of 120 years. ACEGrid® high performance geogrids are available in a range of strengths from 40kN/m to 900 kN/m tensile strength.
Product specification sheet
Acegrid product specification sheet opens in a new windowManufacturer
Global Synthetics