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Ardex K 80

industrial levelling compound.

Ideal for creating wear surfaces for heavy-duty applications.

Easy to install – 5mm to 50mm thickness in one application.

Quick drying – Walkable in 2 hours Suitable for Residential, Commercial and Industrial applications.

Product Description

ARDEX K80 is a rapid hardening, rapid drying, self-levelling compound designed to resurface indoor concrete floors. ARDEX K80 produces a wear surface suitable for commercial and industrial areas including warehouse floors, parking garages and utility areas. ARDEX K80 can be walked on after approximately 2 hours and coated after 24 hours and subjected to heavy traffic after 48 hours.


ARDEX K80 is designed for installation over dry, internal, concrete subfloors.

Surface Preparation

Concrete floors must be clean dry and free of dust, wax, grease, asphalt, latex compounds, curing and sealing compounds and any other surface contaminant that can affect adhesion. Mechanically clean the floor using recommended preparation methods such as shot-blasting, scarifying, diamond grinding, shaving or other suitable methods to provide a roughened, clean, sound, solid and open porous surface. Acid etching is not an acceptable method of cleaning the subfloor. Do not use solvents or sweeping compounds. Subfloors must be dry (AS 1884- 1985) and properly primed for successful installation. Subfloor temperatures must be a minimum of 10°C. For further information, contact ARDEX technical services.


Use ARDEX 51 over standard concrete floors prior to the installation of ARDEX levelling compounds. Mix 1 part ARDEX 51 with 2 parts water and apply evenly using a bristle broom. Do not use paint rollers, mops, or spray equipment. Do not leave any bare spots. Brush off all puddles of excess primer. Allow to dry to a thin, clear film (min 3 hours, max 24 hours). Very absorbent concrete may require two applications of primer to avoid pinholes and bubbling in the levelling compound. In such cases, make the initial coat 1 part ARDEX 51 diluted with 3 parts water. Allow to dry and install a second coat of 1 part ARDEX 51 diluted with 1 part water. Allow to dry to a thin, clear film (min 3 hours, max 24 hours). In the case of highly power-trowelled or extremely dense non-porous concrete, do not use ARDEX 82. These surfaces must be mechanically prepared to achieve a rough, porous surface and primed with ARDEX 51. Note: Low subfloor temperatures and/or high ambient humidity require longer drying time for ARDEX primers. Do not install levelling compounds until primers have dried thoroughly.

Mixing Ratio

4 litres of water to 20 kg of K80 powder.


ARDEX floor levelling products react and harden quickly when mixed with water. Thorough mixing in the shortest possible time is essential to ensure a lump-free mortar. Always mix the powder into the water. The most efficient method of mixing is by using an ARDEX mixing paddle and a heavy-duty electric drill (650 rpm). The normal mixing time of a 20 kg bag is 1 to 2 minutes. Concrete mixers and hand mixing are not suitable methods of mixing. To 4 litres of water, add the ARDEX K80 (20 kg) whilst mixing thoroughly. Do not overwater.

Manual Installation

Pour the mixed ARDEX K80 onto the prepared subfloor and spread it in place using the ARDEX stand-up spreader or ARDEX hand trowel. The mixed mortar will flow and the trowel marks will self-smooth at a thickness greater than 5 mm. Use the ARDEX gauging tool with height adjustment to obtain an even thickness. Use the ARDEX smoother for smoothing and touch-up. Do not rework the ARDEX K80 after 10 minutes of working time. Wear football boots with rubber or nylon studs to avoid leaving marks in the liquid ARDEX K80.

Pumping Installation

For ease and efficiency of application, ARDEX K80 can be pumped with a Levelcraft Automatic Mixing Pump. Contact ARDEX technical services for detailed information on pumping.


ARDEX K80 can be applied from 5mm to 50mm in one application. However, for areas requiring a thickness of over 10mm, ARDEX K80 can be mixed with clean 2-7mm aggregate. Mix ARDEX K80 with water first then add 1/3 to 1part by volume of aggregate. If the aggregate is wet, reduce the amount of mixing water to avoid over-watering. When using aggregate, a neat final coat of ARDEX K80 may be required to achieve a smooth surface. Contact ARDEX technical services for further information.


The hardened ARDEX K80 should be protected from wear, oil, salt, chemicals, abrasives and water, by applying a suitable wear protection system. ARDEX WM163 Polyurethane sealer can be used for light to medium foot traffic areas. Other systems including epoxy coatings or flooring paints can also be used for heavy traffic areas. Contact ARDEX technical services for further information.

Product specification sheet

product sheet pdfArdex K 80 product specification sheet opens in a new window



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ARDEX develops, manufactures and markets high-quality specialist construction materials including those for the floor levelling and repair industries.
  • Australasian Corrosion Association
  • Association for Materials Protection and Performance
  • Illawarra Innovative Industry Network
  • NACE International
  • The Society of Protective Coatings