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Paraglaze Basecoat Colour

A premium quality basecoat developed specifically to give solid, metallic and pearl
colours the durability to withstand the harsh Australian conditions


Paraglaze Basecoat is a premium quality basecoat developed specifically to give solid, metallic and pearl colours the durability to withstand harsh Australian conditions. The world-class technology offers an easy and flexible application that delivers excellent metallic control and coverage and produces a quick-drying, hard film that allows for easy rectification.

Product specification sheet

product sheet pdfParaglaze Basecoat Colour product specification sheet opens in a new window



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Protec is a leading manufacturer of superior coatings for the automotive industry. Our success is based on two things; a commitment to research, and to consistently provide the highest quality products and service to the automotive industry.
  • Australasian Corrosion Association
  • Association for Materials Protection and Performance
  • Illawarra Innovative Industry Network
  • NACE International
  • The Society of Protective Coatings