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Prodrain 6000

Dimpled high crush resistant plastic core with a geotextile filter bonded to the core.

ProDrain 6000 is comprised of a dimpled high crush resistant plastic core with a geotextile filter bonded to the core to provide a drainage sheet that can collect and filter water ingressing from backfill soils. ProDrain 6000 is a 10mm thick flat backed drainage sheet ideally suited to building and waterproofing applications whereby no point loads are imposed on the waterproofing membrane that maybe applied to the wall. The ProDrain 6000 sheet drain collects water from the surrounding soil and channels it away ensuring that no hydrostatic loads are built up behind the retaining structure.

ProDrain 6000 can be used to replace conventional mineral drainage aggregate and saves time and money due to its light weight structure and quick and easy installation without the need for heavy machinery. In most cases the on site soils can be used to backfill against the sheet drain provided they are non cohesive.


  • Retaining walls
  • Basement walls
  • Reduction in hydrostatic pressure behind retaining structure
  • Additional protection to waterproofing membranes
  • Horizontal drainage for rooftops and planterbox

Typical Properties

PropertyTest MethodUnitTypical Value
ThicknessASTM D1777mm10
Roll Sizen/am1.22 x 15.24
Compressive StrengthASTM D1621kPa>700
Flow Rate Vertically (Gradient i = 1.0)ASTM D4716l/min/m155
Geotextile Flow RateASTM D4751l/min/m>5500
Geotextile Opening SizeASTM D4751mm0.21


Product specification sheet

product sheet pdfProdrain 6000 product specification sheet opens in a new window


Global Synthetics

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Global Synthetics is a leading independent and manufacturer of Geosynthetics to the engineering, construction and building industries in the Australasia and Pacific region.
  • Australasian Corrosion Association
  • Association for Materials Protection and Performance
  • Illawarra Innovative Industry Network
  • NACE International
  • The Society of Protective Coatings