Ultra Flex Traffic
High quality UV resistant (external) heavy duty foot trafficable reinforced membrane.
Ultra Flex Traffic is a high-quality UV-resistant (external) trafficable reinforced membrane. The membrane is designed to cope with both pedestrian and vehicular traffic if additionally reinforced with fibre mesh or geotextile fabric. Ultra Flex Traffic conforms to AS4654.2
The product is made from safe water-based ingredients, is not toxic and has no odour.
Product Advantages
It is a cost-effective system that is less expensive than imported trafficable systems. The product is easily applied via roller or brush. The product exhibits high UV resistance and is available in a range or colours.
Product Uses
Ultra Flex Traffic is suitable for all internal and external applications and where a pedestrian trafficable waterproofing membrane is required. These areas can include balconies, roof top areas, roofs, terraces, decks, garages, parking bays,walkways and any surface requiring a strong pedestrian trafficable waterproofing membrane. With textile reinforcing, the product can also be applied in areas of vehicular traffic.
Point loading considerations must be taken into account where furniture and chairs are to be placed on the membrane by the use of mats or the Ultra Flex non-slip top coat. Ultra FlexTraffic is an acrylic/urethane based membrane which is very hard but also pliable and therefore, can be pierced by sharp objects.
Ultra Flex Traffic is available on 15-litre pails.
Product specification sheet
Ultra Flex Traffic product specification sheet opens in a new windowManufacturer
Australian Membrane Industries Sydney