Synthetic fabric based tape often impregnated and coated with petrolatum based compounds. Designed for corrosion protection, sealing and water proofing of metal above and below ground.

Denso Single Pack Elastomeric Membrane
A tough, flexible, waterproofing and sealing membrane.
Denso Weatheseal Tocoat Acrylic
A two-part acrylic based topcoat with excellent gloss retention. The coating is designed as a topcoat to provide long-term protection and aesthetic enhancement of structures.
Densopol 80 & 80HT Tape
Extremely tough cold-applied laminate tapes. The combination of PVC backing and fabric reinforced polymer bitumen adhesive makes it extremely resistant to damage by sharp objects e.g. poor backfill.
Densopol 60 & 60HT Tape
A cold applied, synthetic fabric reinforcement coated with rubber bitumen adhesive and backed with a PVC film
Densyl Tape
Synthetic fabric based tape impregnated and coated with petrolatum based compounds designed to withstand elevated temperatures.
Densyl Supersoft Mastic
Filler for profiling irregular shapes to provide contours for subsequent tape wrapping for elevated temperatures.
Denso Tape
Synthetic fabric based tape impregnated and coated with petrolatum based compounds.
Denso MP Primer
A petrolatum based primer used in the preparation of metal surfaces.
Denso Hi-Tack Primer
A high melting point petrolatum with added adhesive properties is typically used on irregularly shaped surfaces or where additional adhesive qualities are required.
Denso Covercoat / Basecoast Kit
A two component, hard wearing coating, consisting of a liquid portion containing synthetic polymers, waterproofing admixtures and a cementitious powder portion consisting of fine fillers.
Denso Hi-Tack Tape
A specially developed tape to protect irregular surfaces or where additional adhesion is required
Denso Mastic
Contour filler for profiling irregular shapes to provide contours for subsequent tape wrapping. An integral component of most Denso tape systems for the preparation of surfaces prior to wrapping.